
Bar Dandy Bar Glass Detergent

Bar Dandy Bar Glass Detergent is a complete, low foaming, portion-controlled glass detergent solution, effective in hot or cold water.

  • Guest Supply Item Number: 060923
  • Ecolab PIC: 6114050
  • GTIN Number: 10025469140507
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Formulated for Glassware, won't leave behind chemical residue or film


Use in bar glass washers with brushes

Effective Against/On:

Effective on soil and grease

How To Use

Directions for Use:

  1. Dispense 1 oz of Bar Dandy into 5 gallons of hot water.
  2. Place glass in detergent sink and manually scrub with sink brushes.
  3. Immerse glass (bottom first) in water rinse sink to remove detergent from the glass.
  4. Immerse glass (bottom first) in sanitizer sink. Follow directions on sanitizer label.

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