Revitalize™ Grease and Oil Spotter

Powerful solvent spotter for heavy grease and oil deposits. Rinses easily with water and leaves no oily residue - no resoiling. Use on all synthetic carpet types.

  • Guest Supply Item Number: 0042670
  • Ecolab PIC: 6101145
  • GTIN Number: 10025469031843
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Rinses easily with water

Leaves no oily residue - no resoiling

Use Revitalize™ Grease and Oil Spotter as part of a daily maintenance program - prompt spill clean up and spot removal guards against unappealing stains


Solvent spotter for heavy grease and oil deposits

Effective on cosmetics spots as well as crayon and oil paint or polish

Use on tracked in tar or asphalt

Effective Against/On:

Use on all carpet types


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