Low Maintenance Floor Finish

High performing zinc-free finish that provides long lasting gloss and excellent mark, soil and scuff resistance. Easy to apply, gives superior leveling and responds well to burnishing. Dual purpose for finishing floors and for use as a restorer.

  • Guest Supply Item Number: 0030997
  • Ecolab PIC: 6100024
  • GTIN Number: 10025469200119
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Zinc-free, 20% solids, low odor floor finish:

High-performing, durable results and less disruptive to staff

Excellent mark, soil and scuff resistance:

Improved floor appearance between maintenance

Low maintenance burnishing profile:

Labor savings, operational efficiency

Phazer Option Available


Dual purpose for finishing floors and for use as a restorer.

Effective Against/On:

Excellent mark, soil and scuff resistance


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